Min/Max Classification Filter

Provides a simple classification based on channel values.


category_classification Classification




Threshold: a threshold to use when determining whether a result should still be considered

Mode: Min to select the channel with the smallest value, Max to select the channel with the largest value


Input: the input data


Classification: the classification output

Effect of the Filter

This filter requires input that contains multiple channels with counts, ratios, or abundances as the values. The channels must be labeled with either groups, clusters, or endmembers.

The filter will output a single class value that corresponds to the channel with either the largest or the smallest value for each individual pixel.

For example, if a pixel contains abundances with values 0.7, 3.4, and 1.4; it will select the label of the second channel as the classification result for that pixel if Mode is Max, or the label of the first channel as the classification result if Mode is Min.

The Threshold parameter may be used to force the filter to consider some pixels unclassified if their largest (smallest) value across all input channels is smaller (larger) than the given threshold.