Color Conversion Filter

Converts from one color space to another color space.


category_color Color




Color Space: which color space to convert to

Illuminant: which illuminant to convert to (if the output color space doesn’t fix the illuminant)


Color: the input color values


Color: the color values in the new color space

Effect of the Filter

This filter allows the user to convert from one given color space into another. The input of the filter must be color values, for examples as given by the result of a Color Determination Filter. The user may then select a new color space to convert the values to. For example, this may be used to convert from sRGB to the associated HSV color space.

The user may also change the assumed illuminant. In that case the color values will first be converted back to the XYZ color space, and then a conversion matrix will be applied that attempts to capture the effect of a different illuminant. Then the color value will be converted back to the selected color space. This illuminant conversion is only an approximation; it does not yield exactly the same results as a direct color determination for the given illuminant would, but in many cases the approximation is very useful. If a target color space with a fixed illuminant is chosen, that illuminant will always be used as the target illuminant.

No similarly suitable conversion technique exists for different observers. For this reason it is not possible to use this filter to convert to color values for a different observer. Similarly this means that if the input data has been determined for the 10 degree observer, any RGB and associated HSV color spaces will not work as targets of this filter, because these spaces have a fixed 2 degree observer.

A list of available color spaces can be found in the documentation of the Color Determination Filter.

See also